The Seasonal Tokens Podcast — Episode 2: Crypto As An Escape From The Rat Race With Tears
Hello, everyone.
Have you ever felt like you are a slave in your job or that you are not paid enough for what you do? Our guest Tears has gone through this and found a solution — crypto. It has taken him some time to realize this, but now he is very happy with his decision. Listen to the episode to find out how he has become one of the top guys in crypto, what his best investment strategies are, what he does during bear markets and many more golden nuggets that he shares during the episode. Enjoy!
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“Polar: Hello everyone. It is, Polar here, the CMO of Seasonal Tokens. Today we are having a special guest. We are having Tears from Seasonal Tokens. Welcome, Tears.
Tears: Thank you very much, Polar. It’s good to be here. Thank you for the invitation.
Polar: Yes, it is my pleasure. I have prepared a lot of questions for you that I believe will help our listeners to guide them in the current market situation and also to put a strategy in front of them for the coming future. I hope that you’re ready for this.
Tears: I will do my best.
Polar: Let’s start with the first and standard question, like can you introduce yourself and your background with a few words?
Tears: So, my name is Tears. That’s how I’m known in the DEFI space. Though my real name is Sam. Most people know that now. I’ve been in the DEFI space for about four years and full time for about two years. I work in general advisory to a degree marketing in Community Leadership and management. I’m basically the guy you come to when you need a team put together. And then I work in the background, primarily in consultancy now, and that’s just a general overview of what I do.
Polar: Yeah, I can definitely vote for this. Like, Tears is the guy that knows almost everybody in the DEFI world. He’s actually the reason why I’m also part of the seasonal tokens, so I can vote for this guy. He’s definitely amazing. From what I understand and from what I just heard, like, you are very deep in the crypto, so what has actually attracted you in the crypto when there are plenty of opportunities in the web 2.0 space too?
Tears: So, crypto, to me, it was initially just the ambiguity of what it represented. So, I first heard about Bitcoin when I was 16, which is about ten years ago now, and I had no idea what was going on. I was only 16, I was in college, I’d worked a few part-time jobs, but nothing serious. I was still studying. So, it was to me, it was just this weird foreign concept, and I was into IT anyway, that’s what I studied. So, I thought, Hmmm, okay, let’s start mining some Bitcoin. And I must have mined, I think I mined I don’t know what I was doing back then, I tried to mine, that laptop is long gone, the hardware is all now lost, so who knows how much I’m worth, technically speaking, if I had that hard drive, lost to the void now. But, yeah, since that point onwards, I went into the workforce and obviously did deep dives into the real world, worked full time for many years. And I think the longer you go on in this day and age and you keep working within this encompassing financial system, which really doesn’t allow you to progress very well easily, you need to look for alternative options. And the more and more I worked, the harder I worked and the hierarchy I got, the less money I seem to actually be able to sustainably keep, and the more money seems to be going out. So, I just thought, this isn’t sustainable long term, I’m going to wind up trapped in the financial system I can’t get out of with a mortgage around my neck and I’m never going to break free from this. So, I decided to deep dive into these different options and that’s when I really looked into Bitcoin. Before that, it was all just fluff. It was me just wondering what it is here and there. But when I actually deep dived into it, I realized how, hang on, this isn’t just some random, ambiguous side concept that’s been created by some random dude. This is actually revolutionary technology, and this is the ground floor level of it. So, we need to get into it now. That was my mind, at least.
Polar: Yeah, a lot of people are saying and comparing it with the Internet, so I definitely think that this is going to change our whole life. And it has already started. But one thing that I wasn’t able to figure out from your answer is, like, when actually approximately you have started in crypto.
Tears: So, when I actually started, how old was I then? I used to work on cruise ships and before I went on my first and only real contract at Sea, I think I’ve been working full time in a phone shop. I’d work my way up to being a manager and like I said, I’d gone from sales to assistant manager to manager in a year. Blew up through the ranks but I wasn’t making any money. And I thought the money I’ve got in the bank now is from my age it’s not a bad amount. What can I do with that? I really want to start investing, so I must have been about 20 odds. So, I thought I’m going to buy myself a bitcoin. Bought myself a bitcoin and locked it in and then I went out to sea and let me tell you, on cruise ships, you do not make any money. Even the upper echelon don’t really make any money. I would consider it to be complete and slave labor. I think I was making £600 a month for doing 14 hours a day with basically no days off. It was not anything comparable to real money at all. But my bitcoin investment, one day I looked at it and it did two times, it 2x’ed. I only had one bitcoin back then. It’s only worth, I think, $3,000. No, that was it. I bought it at $3,000,1 bitcoin and then when I looked at it on the ship, it was suddenly worth $4.5 thousand. And I’ve been working my ass off pennies and suddenly my portfolio had gone up by $1.5 thousand, which to me was a massive deal. And that was when the cogs in my head started to turn. I thought, hang on a minute, this is real. This isn’t just some random nonsense. This is actually very real, and I can make a living off this if I just learn about it. See, I’d say when I was about 20 odds when I first chipped in.
Polar: Well, like working for nothing. It’s something that a lot of people are struggling with at the moment. I’m sure that a lot of people that are listening to the podcast will somehow feel your pain because they have gone through this or are still in this. And I hope and pray that almost all of them are. The best will be if all of them will be able to finish this slavery. Because in crypto, I also believe that there are a lot of opportunities, a lot of the future jobs are there and will be built there. So it’s good to start thinking in this direction if you don’t like your work or if you’re just a slave in your work.
Tears: I definitely was. Yeah, I was definitely a slave. And being free from it now and being able to work for myself in a few short years of just really grinding and learning.. If I can do it, anybody can do it. Honestly, it’s still very early. The market is in a position now where I think we’re basically at a really good level to get back in. Now is a good time to start reevaluating what you’re doing with your career and what you can do in the cyber space and crypto space because the opportunities are now becoming endless. There’s so much to do here and there’s so much money to be made here. It’s financial freedom. That’s what you can earn from this at the end of the day.
Polar: Yeah, absolutely. Which brings me to the next question, which somehow you have answered, but like are you currently actively investing in crypto?
Tears: I was buying more bitcoin as it went down from 69 to obviously where it’s at right now. I’ve been DCA-ing in a little bit here and there. I wouldn’t say I’m now actively investing, I’m more so just evaluating different positions I’m in and sort of checking where we’re going to be, because I do think we’re going to see a further decrease in the market. I don’t think we’re done yet. I think we’re going to drop down to maybe 14 kwh and I don’t think it will be an easy drop, I think it’ll be quite sudden and then that’s when we’re going to start seeing some real reversals coming into place. So, I’m DCA-ing and in these levels now, just for bitcoin, solely for now in terms of long-term investment and obviously we’re going to talk about seasonal tokens later, but, yeah, I won’t even go too much in seasonal tokens until we get there. But where we stand right now is an amazing time to start looking into seasonal tokens for investments as well. So, yeah, I’d say I am actively somewhat investing, but I’m not going completely in until I see a few lower levels.
Polar: I think that all of us are in the same position. Like we are searching and waiting for the best position to jump again in this. And just for clarification, like by saying DCA-ing, you’re saying like dollar cost average, right?
Tears: Yeah, exactly. So rather than just yellowing it all at once and for the best, it’s just spreading out your buys. Routinely what you can do in general is say you’ve got $500 excess a month. You can spend then every month regardless of the price of the asset, you just buy in the same amount of dollars or pounds or whatever and obviously you’re going to get a differing amount of the quantity of the asset. But on the long term you’re going to get more for your money because no one can really time the market. Even the best in the business can’t time the market in crypto. It’s too volatile already. So, if you’re looking for a safer bet and you haven’t got a load of major splurge in it once, it’s just generally best DCA dollar cost average into the asset you want, which is what I’m doing.
Polar: Yeah, I think that especially if you are starting right now, this is the best long-term strategy to follow. And if of course crypto becomes your full-time job, maybe you can use other strategies that exist. But so far, I have also seen that dollar cost averaging is one of the safest bets for sure. So, it’s great that you are investing in crypto. I’m also doing it. But why do you think people actually should invest in crypto than in anything else?
Tears: I don’t necessarily think you should do it more than anything else in general. I just think I do think you’re going to get a lot more for your money long term if you get into the right cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin or others. I do also advise precious metals right now. I mean, we’re about see a massive global recession. The markets Are Bearish. The inflation rates are going to get a lot worse. The governments are not really for us. They’re against us. And they’re printing so much money and they’re raising inflation through the fucking sealing. So, it’s going to get pretty crazy pretty soon. Now, the best thing you can do to protect yourself is diversify. You want hardcore assets that are going to stand the test of time as a store value. And I do think certain cryptocurrencies will stand that test. Obviously, I’m not a financial adviser. Crypto could technically go to zero tomorrow. But I do think in the last four years, particularly so much of the groundwork that has been needed to be implemented and built has now been built in the space. And because that’s out there and a lot of financial markets and even retailers are ready to start on boarding crypto payments for example. Rome wasn’t built in a day. The concept of crypto is amazing. But without the facilities, the services and the requirements and foundations to facilitate payments and onboarding of crypto assets to the real world.. it takes time. But you’ve seen so much so quickly over the last few years because so many genius people I’ve met in this space. Everyone’s coming to this one area, and in a lot of ways, it is decentralized from government. So, you are seeing so many incredible people coming into this space and just building and building and building until we get it right. And a lot of the protocols you’re seeing coming out and all sorts of things are just getting so crazy and so financially freeing that I just think you cannot just sit on your dollars or your pounds and think, yeah, if I just put a thousand pounds away a month, long term, I’m going to be rich. Long term, you’re not really going to be rich. You won’t even own your own house. I mean, a lot of people think you own your house, and you buy it, right? Well, if you go in and annoy the government, they’re going to sign a piece of paper and your house is no longer even your house anymore. So, you need to diversify. You need to really start looking at hardcore assets over a long period of time and start planning for the future. Because the pound and the dollar is not going to stand the test of time. Something else will. And I do think that is crypto. But again, that’s just me.
Polar: Yeah, and also me. Like you just mentioned that the current market situation is very, very bad and very bearish on all, like everywhere actually. It’s not only crypto, it’s stock market, it’s the food market, it’s the fuel market, it’s everywhere. There is a lot of fear actually. So, what do think is the best thing a person can do in such markets, in such bear markets.
Tears: Well, you know what they say, they say be greedy while others are fearful and the amount of fear we are now seeing is through the roof. Right? But again, it just comes down to everybody’s individual circumstances. You can’t expect someone who is going from paycheck to paycheck to be able to just splurge money that they don’t have in crypto on the bet that it’s going to go up now.
I mean I do think in the next six months we will see a big bullish reversal and then things are going to go crazy, right? But you can’t guarantee that. So, for me again, it even comes down to what part of crypto you’re looking into. So, if you’re just looking to get accumulate a hardcore asset like Bitcoin, then DCA-ing, like I said earlier, dollar cost average your way in and that’s probably your best bet. If you’re in DFI like I am, then I always say look for the projects and the protocols that are doing okay in the bear market and haven’t been fleeced or scared away. So many projects died when the ball run ended suddenly and crashed, and the recession started to kick in. It scared a lot of people out. But there are so many projects that are still doing really well and they’re still building. So, look for the projects that are still building and are still doing what they said they’re going to do despite the bear market. If a project hasn’t been affected by the bear market and they’re still going full speed ahead, then you know that long term they are likely to be a good candidate to success to a degree. But from outside of that, if you’re just a regular trader, well, I should say investor looking to get in, then the best thing you can do now is learn. Teach yourself as much as you can. Learn about blockchain, learn about cryptography, learn about what Bitcoin is and what Bitcoin represents. Learn about the history of where we are and how we got here. Learn about the financial markets in depth because now is the best time you can teach yourself because the financial markets are scary and what the governments are able to do with that money. It’s terrifying when you really learn ins and outs of it. Bear markets are for learning and buying progressively. Bull markets are for enjoying the ride up and making some life changing money.
Polar: Absolutely. I definitely agree with you that it really depends on your situation. But if you have the money to invest and you have been saving money for some time, now is probably a good time to start doing dollar cost averaging. But of course, we are not financial advisors. It is definitely your own choice. But also, if you don’t have the money, like spend as much time as possible to learn about the crypto world or do like tears, spend time networking and meeting new people, creating new connections because it’s invaluable. Actually, people say that your network is your net worth. So, I think that the best would be to actually do all of the things that we just mentioned but it really depends on your situation. From what you have said so far, it sounds to me that you have been investing quite some time. So, I suppose that you have tested different strategies and probably some of them have worked for you, some of them have dumped you really bad. So, is there an investment strategy that has given you the best results so far?
Tears: I’ve done every single type of trading you can imagine. I’ve been completely degenerate levels, as they would say, aping into random crap coins will say for the sake of not swearing on the podcast. So, crap coins, I’ve invested in loads of them and made crazy amounts of money and lost crazy amounts of money just as fast. I strategically bought over a long period of time and not sold when I should have and just watched my money disappear, which again will tie into later with seasonal tokens. I’ve DCA-ed in. To me, what I’ve learned the most is that you can make a lot of money trading crap coins and you can literally buy a random crap coin in DEFI and three weeks later things can go crazy. And your $1,000 investment could technically on paper be worth a million dollars, but they are rare and far between and no one holds long enough to even see those gains because people, especially now and I do the same. Do you see a ten extra turn your investment in the first week, you’re going to think, wow, I’m selling that! So, a lot of time is just you need to know, you need to learn which one of your coins is actually a winner. And don’t start too early. Hold. But the other time it’s just a case of being aware of the market you’re in because as quickly it can go up in DEFI, it can go down just as fast and usually does. So, for me, best advice I can give is DCA into something you believe in, like bitcoin and then hold, just hold the line, look back in five years and thank yourself. That’s what I think.
Polar: Absolutely like researching and putting the amount of time needed to decide what should be your investment strategy is probably the best advice that we can give to anybody else. Because from what I have heard from different investors, all strategies work, but not all of the strategies will work for you. So that’s why everyone should make his own research and decision and not follow blindly. No matter who is saying this, you should do your research, your thinking and your mistakes. I think that this is the best way to learn and find the best strategy and almost everything in life. This is what I really think.
Tears: Yeah, for sure, one of my close friends in DEFI who I’ve actually met in real life as well, I actually consider him an amazing close friend now at this point, we’re on the same sort of wavelength and he said to me, something very smart the other day. He said, because he’s been in the space as long as me, if not longer. He said for the next cycle, right? What you really want to do. After everything’s said and done and we’ve gone through all this craziness, you want to start investing in real people, not like some random crappy influencer on YouTube. People like CZ CEO Binance, Richard Hart, Lisa Paul’s Chain, people who are incredibly smart and have gone through all these cycles longer than we have and they know what they’re talking about and they’re still building and they’re in very influential positions of power and influence, but they’re not. I know there’s a lot of fud around Binance right now and CZ, but in general, invest in smart people like that who aren’t here to make a quick buck on you. They’re here for a long term to build something sustainable. And I think you will go far.
Polar: Yeah, I haven’t heard this before.
Tears: I never thought about it either. When he told me this, I thought, hang on, you are spot on. That makes a lot of sense. BNB, look at BNB. It started off as just a native exchange token. You could get some trading fees less if you held BNB less trading fees. Perfect. Then DFI started out of nowhere and then they made, okay, let’s make Binance smart chain. We’ll go into decentralized finance. And BNB flew up to $690 from I think it launched like $1 ages ago. And he’s still building like there’s no going back. CZ will keep building BNB for now. So, for me, when the market starts looking good again, I think BMB will be a safe bet. Will it? Who knows? But I would rather bet on him and bet on his projects and what he’s building than some random person on YouTube who’s just shilling a crap coin that’s probably going to five X and then dump and take all the money away from me. Do you know what I mean? It’s more like a long-term goal.
Polar: Yeah. Invest in teams than in projects, something like that.
Tears: Yeah. Invest in the people who know what they’re talking about. Invest in them rather than the project. And you will just go full circle.
Polar: Absolutely agree with you on this one. Like we have mentioned a few times, the project that we are both part in and we both believe that gives great opportunity, especially right now in the bear market, and especially right now when it is just starting out and it is building almost all the time. So, what has actually attracted you to become part of seasonal Tokens team? Because as far as I know, you are the first team member of the project.
Tears: Yeah. So as far as I know, I’m the first team member. Initially, what attracted me to season Tokens was actually Ruadhan himself, the lead developer and founder of Ruadhan. He the one who made this genius project. I was introduced to him by his brother because he needed some help just getting off the ground and getting to know people in the space and starting to build a community. That’s how I was introduced to it. And I would say we can look at every amazing aspect of Seasonal Tokens and I agree with all of them. But having Ruadhan as the top dog, the man who’s made it all, and just listening to him talk about it, that was what actually attracted me to it. And that actually ties back nicely to what I just said about investing in people. Because if you find someone incredibly smart who knows what they’re talking about and are willing to put the time, money, dedication into it for something, they’re going to use themselves, that’s a much safer bet than investing some random crap. So, like I say, I was attracted because of him, and I’ve stuck around this long now because I completely agree with the vision, but again, because he’s in charge and he’s honestly one of the smartest people I’ve ever met in my entire life. So.
Polar: Yeah, I cannot agree more with you about that. Like Ruadhan is a genius, no doubt about it. And if you haven’t listened to my podcast with Ruadhan, check the first episode where we are talking about Seasonal Tokens and why it has been created, what’s the idea behind it, what are the principles behind it and I think that you’ll find by yourself that this guy is definitely one of the geniuses in crypto.
Tears: Easily.
Polar: Yeah. And I believe that a lot of people like him are jumping in crypto which is amazing, and we can see a lot of great projects coming thanks to guys like him. So, it’s amazing to watch projects like this evolve. So, you mentioned also a few times that now is a good time them to invest in Seasonal Tokens. Of course, everybody should do their own research but why or what are the reasons that make you think that people should invest in Seasonal Tokens?
Tears: Well, from a principal core standpoint, seasonal tokens, they are a commodity like gold. You have to physically, obviously not physically doing it, but you mine each token. So, there’s four tokens. I know you’ve gone over it many times, but spring, summer, winter, and each are actually mined by miners. So, there’s actually a proof and concept of work that people are actually paying their energy costs to mine the product, which gives it an inherent value. And over time there’s going to be halving’s just like bitcoin for each and every single token. Which means the rate of production goes down by half and supply and demand obviously equates, the demand starts to go up and supply starts to drop, which increases the price and so on and so forth. But the long-term vision of seasonal tokens is that if you know what you’re doing, you can effectively trade one token for another token of the same type. So, spring for winter, for example, following the trend. And if you, do it properly, you’re going to get more tokens back every single time if you follow the pattern, which means long term, since every single token is going to be reduced by half in terms of production, consistently the price will acknowledge that the markets will reciprocate that, the prices will go up. And long term, if you’re continually trading from one token to another, gaining more and more quantity, you can’t lose in that aspect, you’re always going to gain more tokens. Which means when you do eventually decide to sell or reduce your risk tolerances, you’re going to be taking out profit. And that is just a genius concept to me. It kind of blows your mind when you actually look into the deep dive aspects of it. It is mind blowing levels of ingenuity.
Polar: Yeah, absolutely. We have been talking with Ruadhan about this in the previous episode, that this is actually the dream of every investor to know when to invest and when to exactly to jump out of something. So, it’s brilliant. And like implementing just four tokens instead of many projects, it’s also genius because you have to research one project, not many, in order to decide if this is a good investment or not. So, as we know, you have been with seasonal token since the beginning of the project, or almost from the beginning of the project. So, what lessons about crypto as a whole or crypto investing you have learned as part of the seasonal tokens team that you believe can be beneficial for our listeners?
Tears: What specifically to seasonal tokens or like, crypto as a whole?
Polar: As a whole and crypto investing too?
Tears: Well, again, to me, I was never a big trader. I was always just an investor for the long term. And I got sucked into the DEFI crap coin trading where I’d make, I try and make 100 x or nothing. Got stuck in that mentality. And that mentality does work for some people. And you can run away like a bandit with a million dollars from $1,000 and laugh about it, but you’ll probably lose it all later on, as I’ve quickly learned. So, with seasonal tokens, the lessons I’ve learned, a: it taught me a lot about crypto mining because I was lost on mining. Like I said, I mined bitcoin for about two weeks, and I was 16, didn’t know what I was doing, probably wasn’t even doing it properly. And that was the end of it. Actually, looking into the systems and technology behind mining, that was mind blowing to me. I think it was about a year ago I met Ruadhan and started looking into this. The way that works, it just makes complete sense in my brain now. And it was a very difficult process for me to understand. When it syncs in, it’s like, bang. Everything suddenly makes sense about crypto. From the mining aspect, I’ve learned all about that and then just the trading aspect and obviously trading from one to the other and consistently getting more tokens. That was also very incredible to me because, as I said, with me, it was always I buy a specific amount of one asset, I wait till the price goes up, I sell it. That’s a very native, traditional looking out view. You getting stocks, you do it in any form of assets normally. This time, yeah, you can do that long term. You can hold if you want to, but along the way, you can trade for more and more and more in the same ecosystem over and over again, all following the same principal rules, and then you will win again. Earth shattering revelations in your brain. So, lessons after lessons, after lessons as part of seasonal.
Polar: Yeah, seasonal tokens definitely can teach us a lot of things about mining, farming also, I think, and of course investing. But people should start to see by themselves and now we have just launched on polygon so they can do it without paying a lot of the gas fees that we are currently having on Ethereum. But we hope that with the merch this will be changed. But who knows if this will happen or when it will happen? So, for now, I think that making some tests on polygon can give some clear answers to people. If what we are saying right now about Seasonal Tokens is true, or we’re just trying to mislead people.
Tears: If you look into the white paper and actually read it through, I think it might take a few reads to get through into the space normally. But when it sinks in and you click like, oh, that makes complete sense. And then once you see that foundational principle in front of you and it makes sense, it’s very clear as day. It’s clear as day that this is a genuine and frankly, in my opinion, genius idea. It just needs time. I mean, when it launched, the whole reason Ruadhan built Seasonal Tokens is that every four years you watch Bitcoin effectively go to new all-time highs and then you have to watch it goes all the way back down again. And as a holder and investor, you have to consistently watch as your net worth decreases in front of your eyes and it goes up again, then decreases and goes up again. Seasonal Tokens, in a sense subverts that entirely. And once you understand how that works and it sinks in, it’s like, oh, that makes sense. Now I understand why. And I think where we’re at right now in the market, and this goes back to me saying earlier about researching teams that are building despite the bear market, this is the perfect time to learn about this now, because this is so relevant. In a few years’ time you’re going to look back and think, if you don’t jump in now, for example, you look back and think, now I completely understand where they were coming from with this angle, because watches Bitcoin flies again and decreases again and grows again, we subvert that entirely. It’s just such a crazy concept, ingenious concept.
Polar: Yeah, I can definitely agree with you on this one. So like we have been talking about crypto and why we both believe in crypto but maybe you can say with a few words or sentences like what makes you think that the future of crypto is bright?
Tears: I think if you just take a step back and just look at the state of the world right now, I mean, a lot of people might not think or have ever thought that it won’t affect them the way the markets are now. Say for example, you’ve never traded any asset your life, you’ve just gone to work full time, you’ve made it, you’ve got a 401 K or you’re saving up in the background, you’ve never thought it’s going to affect you. Well, the inflation rates, Let’s not talk about assets, let’s talk about the dollar, or the pound, watching the inflation rates go through the roof and watching as your purchasing power is decreasing by the day. You are effectively, whether you realize it or not, you are tied to the system. You are holding an asset that is decreasing in value because the governments around the world, they mint more money than you can make in your entire life daily and that should scare everybody. The second you realize that this financial system is not designed to allow you to get financially free without being quite creative and smart, it ticks some alarm bells in your head. It should do. And when you realize that you think crap, I need to figure this out. So even if you go from nothing to a million dollars, right, because you’ve worked incredibly smart, you made an amazing business model and you don’t invest in anything, you’re still going to be affected because inflation is going to push that purchasing power down massively and then you’re going to probably get hit by housing market crashes to come, for example. Everything is tied together in the markets. But if you start looking to crypto or other tangible assets like gold and you start to see how stores of value work and how they increase over time against the price of the dollar which is inflated, then it starts to tick in your head and you think actually yeah, I can protect my wealth here. But you don’t want to just protect your wealth, you want to make your money work for you. And that’s what crypto comes in. Crypto is such a mind boggling, it’s hard. I can’t even go into the podcast unless we talk about it for the next 7 hours. It’s so crazy. But crypto is literally the key to the kingdom of getting out of this financial nonsense, this matrix that we’re stuck in. The ties are so down to this financial jail cell we’re all sort of tied to. And there are so many options with crypto but for me, to get in, to make the smart choices, hold, and watch as Bitcoin for example, decouples from Nasdaq and typical stocks starts to lead the run for all of Crypto and then turns into the next powerhouse. Because it’s very simple. If this is what it’s meant to be, bitcoin will be the next currency of the world. That’s the kind of thing we’re talking about here. So, you got to do a lot of research, you got to look into it. But like I said before, over the last four years, the foundations in crypto have been laid. Many retailers already started taking its payments. You’ll see, some already do. Banks have been doing their own investments behind closed doors. Governments do have their own investments, believe it or not, despite what they might tell you, everyone’s well aware of it. And you need to get in and get a size of the pie while you can, because if the next bore does happen, as we think it will, and bitcoin does take off, you’re not going to see less than $100,000 to $250,000 bitcoin. I don’t see it happening. It’s life changing generational wealth creation. And now is one of the best times to get in because we’ve just seen one of the reddest hits in the entire history of the planet, really, especially in crypto. So DCA in learn, learn, learn protect your money and then start building a generation of wealth.
Polar: I really like what you just said about the key of the kingdom of financial freedom. I really love this. And probably this is why I have also started to invest very heavily in crypto, because I believe in these things. And this is also one of the reasons why I have started this podcast, so more people can find out not only about seasonal tokens, but also that crypto investing is giving you a lot of opportunities. But of course, you have to have the ears to hear this.
Tears: They don’t want you to. They would much rather you live your life paycheck to paycheck with barely any savings, that you spend your entire life to earn one house that you think when you’re like 18, you retired, you think, yeah, I’ve got my house, got my kids. Awesome. Yeah, sure, that might be nice for some people, but like I said, the government technically own you. Really. They own your property. If they decide that they don’t want you to have that anymore, they can very easily get judged stamps and paper and your house isn’t even yours anymore. The government have too much control over people and their money and bitcoin and crypto represents the decoupling from that. Bitcoin is the people’s money. The government doesn’t have control over it and that’s what people that is one of the things that kicked in my brain and made me think, hang on a minute, this is bigger than it seems. This is insane. So exactly right. Keys to the kingdom. Keys to the financial independence kingdom right here.
Polar: Yeah. But at the same time, we don’t want to scare anyone. Like there is a very small chance the government to come and get your property.
Tears: Yeah. It’s not going to be one day minding your own business and suddenly some random dude shows up with a piece of paper and says, well, actually, I don’t even want to scare people. But that could happen though. And you have seen it in history. That’s what I’m saying. Like the government essentially aren’t necessarily your friends and I’m not going to scare anybody. But just be aware that your best interests are your best interests. The government’s best interests are the government’s best interest. Don’t get the two mixed up. Don’t get the two mixed up. Protect yourself, protect your wealth. And there you go.
Polar: And then stop watching news. I suppose so. Yeah. This is one of the biggest problems that a lot of generations are having, that they trust very blindly, the government, and they believe that the government has their best interest. But the history has shown to us many times that this cannot be further from the truth. So, the only person that cares the most about you is you. So that there isn’t anybody else outside of your family, I suppose that cares about you. So, I think that the concept of government is taking care of me and my family and taking care of my back is not happening anymore. Maybe.
Tears: Yeah. I mean, if you rely on the government, the government owns you. If you rely on yourself, they don’t own you. And that’s what annoys them. They want to own you. So, you’ve got a break free from that.
Polar: Yeah, I think that we can talk a lot about this topic, but we’ll probably..
Tears: Be here for the next two weeks.. yeah, exactly.
Polar: And scare a lot more people than what we expect. So maybe we can and finish with some final positive words from your side.
Tears: Final positive words? Yes, markets are bearish, but that’s an opportunity. Don’t be scared by the sea of blood. 1s Be looking for the island in the sea that’s cruising by. We look for the cruise ship that’s still sailing. Learn about crypto. Learn about the blockchain. Learn about what is done for the planet. Learn about what it can do for the planet. Start being smart with the investments in the
DCA-ing and just remain positive, you know. Find something that you believe in, invest for the long term. That isn’t me saying throw all your money right now, because I do think we can still see lower levels, but now is a good time to start accumulating, in my opinion. And my money is completely where my mouth is. All of my money is in crypto, pretty much, you know, yeah. I think now is an amazing time and also on the back of that, definitely look into seasonal tokens, because the reality of it is next level, mind blowing ingenuity. Simple as that.
Polar: I think that this is enough for our listeners to know that crypto for us is the future and we believe that it will not go away, that everyone should do their own research.
Tears: Absolutely.
Polar: And decide if this is for them or not. They still have a lot of other opportunities, of course, but now probably is the best time to start searching for opportunities and get advantage of them, because maybe there will be no such time in the near future again. So, like, spend time on thinking, researching and investing, because the great opportunities don’t come many times in the lifetime.
Tears: Yeah, sure.
Polar: So, thank you very much, Tears, for being here with me.
Tears: Thank you very much for the invitation. Yeah, very appreciated.
Polar: Yeah, thank you very much for sharing your wisdom with our listeners. I hope that they will research what we have said and make their own decision. I think that we have been able to reveal some of the myths regarding the cryptos and also given some good ideas of people what to do during markets like that. So, thank you very much again. It was really a pleasure for me. So, I’m Polar the CMO of Seasonal Tokens. I hope that you have enjoyed the episode. If you do, please subscribe for our podcast because a lot of great guests are coming in the near future. And yes, I’ll talk to you soon. Bye.”
Disclaimer: None of the information in the podcast should be considered as a financial advice. You should always do your own research.