The Era of Plentiful Summer Tokens is Coming to an End

Seasonal Tokens
2 min readFeb 13, 2023


On the 6th of March, the rate of production of Summer tokens will be cut in half. Summer tokens are currently produced at a rate of 1 token every 4.3 seconds. After the halving, there’ll be one Summer token produced every 8.6 seconds.

Investors have just a short time left to obtain Summer tokens while they’re still abundant. Summer is currently the cheapest of the four tokens, but in the months following the halving, it’s expected to become the most expensive as the market adjusts to the lower rate of supply. It will go from being produced at the fastest rate of the four, to the slowest.

This process has already happened before, after the Spring halving in June of 2022. Spring tokens were the cheapest before the Spring halving, and then they became the most expensive.

Future investors who buy Summer tokens are likely to regard today’s investors as particularly fortunate, because today’s investors have an opportunity to buy Summer tokens when they’re produced every 4.3 seconds. Future investors won’t be able to do that. Summer tokens will never again be this abundant.

About 20,000 Summer tokens are produced every day, and investors can collectively buy that many from the miners every day without draining the stockpile of tokens that currently exists. For the next three years, Summer investors will be buying tokens when they’re produced half as quickly as they currently are. There will be about 10,000 Summer tokens created every day, and buyers who want more will need to buy them from existing investors.

Investors who buy the tokens during the next three years will regard today’s investors as lucky, but those future investors will themselves be regarded as lucky by the investors who buy during the subsequent three years, when one token is produced every 17.2 seconds. Those later investors will, in turn, be regarded as lucky by those who buy later, when the rate of production is even slower.

In 45 years, there will be less than one Summer token produced every day, and investors who want to buy tokens in significant quantities will not be able to get them from miners. They’ll need to buy them from existing investors, at whatever prices those investors demand.

Because the rate of production keeps halving every three years, investors at any given time will always be luckier than future investors and less lucky than earlier investors.

Bitcoin investors today regard the earliest Bitcoin investors as lucky, because they were able to buy bitcoins when they were cheap and plentiful. The four Seasonal Tokens have the same feature. Early investors have a big advantage over later investors, who will never be able to buy tokens in the quantities available today.

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