Seasonal Tokens Weekly Price Analysis

Seasonal Tokens
2 min readJun 4, 2022


By Heater

The token prices have tightly converged over the final week before the Spring halving. The gap between Winter and Spring dropped from 0.7 cents to 0.2 cents over the course of the week, as the prices of all four tokens became constrained to a narrow band.

The most notable feature of this week’s price chart is the visible rise of Spring in comparison to the other tokens. Renewed buying early in the week brought all four prices to weekly highs by Tuesday, before the price convergence began. The price of Winter fell as Spring rose throughout the day, indicating that investors were trading Winter for Spring in anticipation of the halving.

For much of Thursday and Friday, Spring traded above both Summer and Autumn, showing the level of investor interest in the upcoming halving event. Spring ended the week at 1.82 cents, up from 1.47 cents a week ago, and above the price of Summer at 1.74 cents. Autumn fell slightly from 1.95 cents to 1.86, while Winter declined from 2.34 cents to 2.05 cents over the same period.

The tight convergence of the token prices in the days before the first halving shows that investors are watching the prices closely. Spring has traded above Autumn and Summer for much of the week, and can be expected to perform well in the months ahead because of the reduced supply.

The recent interest in Spring is likely driven by investors preparing for tomorrow’s halving. In time, Spring tokens will become scarce, but for now, they’re the most plentiful token. The months ahead will reveal how long it takes for Spring to rise above the other prices, and stay above them.



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