Seasonal Tokens Weekly Price Analysis

Seasonal Tokens
2 min readJul 14, 2022


By Heater

The token prices were down for the week, following the downturn in the broader crypto market. Winter recorded the largest drop of the four prices, falling from 1.69 cents to 1.23 cents over the course of the week, while Spring fell the least, from 1.07 cents to 0.97 cents over the same time period.

Summer reached a high of 1.44 cents on Sunday before falling back to 0.99 cents as the week unfolded. Autumn started the week at a high of 1.52 cents and fell to a low of 0.88 cents on Wednesday before finding support at one cent and rebounding to end the week at 1.12 cents.

Breaking an earlier pattern, Summer has been more volatile than the other tokens over the course of the week, trading above Autumn on Tuesday and below Spring on Saturday. Meanwhile, Spring has slowly increased in price relative to the other tokens, resulting in a convergence of prices heading into the weekend as the gap between Winter and Spring narrowed from 60% at the beginning of the week to 25% by the end of Saturday.

The downward trend of all four prices has reflected the falling price of Ethereum, with cyclical trading, strong support at the one-cent level, and the Spring halving, all combining to resist further downward pressure on the prices.

As the weeks since the halving pass by, the scarcity of Spring relative to the previous market equilibrium is gradually manifesting itself it in the price charts, with Spring trading at parity with Summer, or slightly above, towards the end of the week. The weeks and months ahead are likely to reveal further support for the price of Spring, as Summer and Autumn holders take advantage of the remaining opportunities to swap their tokens for Spring and benefit from the expected rise in price as the market adjusts to the lower rate of production.



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